- Feb 28, 2021
GDD: Reframing the Discussion
I have written a lot on the mechanism, symptoms, treatments for GDD. I have opined on that GDD is primary an immunological disease. Also...
- Feb 18, 2021
Variability of Urine Gd Measurements- Feb 2021
Gd toxicity and treatment with chelation are relatively uncommon disease-treatment combinations in medicine in that it is possible to...
- Feb 11, 2021
Categories of GDD and their Effect on Treatment Success
On the surface it is absurd to think there could be only two forms of Gd toxicities: acute hypersensitivity reaction (AHR) and NSF. There...
- Feb 9, 2021
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Gd toxicity
In a recent blog I described that Acute Hypersensitivity Reaction (AHR) (Mast cell reaction) can exist as an overlap condition with GDD...
- Feb 4, 2021
Route of Entry has Significant Effect on Pattern of Disease in GDD
I watched the movie Dark Waters recently. It turns out we all have PFOA in our bodies. At least as scientifically fascinating that GDD...