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The Gentle Chelation Protocol for GDD

The following blog revisits the subject of the gentle chelation protocol because of the incredible interest on this subject.

Individuals who have recent onset GDD (3-6 months, possibility up to 1 year) and/or having received macrocyclic GBCA tend to experience greater Flare reactions to the standard Ca-/Zn-DTPA protocol. It would seem prudent to employ a 'gentle chelation' protocol. We describe this as injecting the 5ml ampule of Zn-DTPA in a 1 Litre bag of normal saline, with a slow drip infusion over 2 hours.

Regardless of chelation or not, drinking lots of fluids is important. A fair amount of this fluid should be alkaline water. Additional supplements will be visited in a future blog.

Early stage GDD due to linear agent, Zn-DTPA will result in lesser removal of Gd, and this lesser volume of Gd removal and lower rate of removal likely account for the diminished or absent Flare. Concurrent diminution of the host reaction with clarinex/singulair is important. At this preliminary stage, the definitive management of the auto-immune-type process has not been established. Currently my opinion is low dose Naltrexone (LDN) with auto-immune diet is worth trying. Also at this preliminary time, CBD oil may be an effective pain and inflammation diminution treatment. These should be used at least throughout the chelation period

With macrocyclic agents it will also be possible to check with 24 hour urine Gd pre- and post-chelation if chelation results in additional Gd elimination. If it does not, this implies that either too little Gd is present or that the still chelated Gd cannot show increased elimination with DTPA in this individual. Concurrent diminution of the host reaction with clarinex/singulair is important. It may be that it has to be managed as an auto-immune-type disease process. So to repeat from above: At this preliminary stage, the definitive management of the auto-immune-type process has not been established. Currently my opinion is low dose Naltrexone (LDN) with auto-immune diet is worth trying. Also at this preliminary time, CBD oil may be an effective pain and inflammation diminution treatment.

Expect this recommendation to change or evolve, and perhaps soon.

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