Heavy metals in urine testing: Transient vs Persistent heavy metals in the body

I have written a few blogs that discuss, in part, the presence of other heavy metals in urine. Everyone tested for Gd have at least 5 other heavy metals, and all of them have lead. So everyone has multiple heavy metals and lead- so at a minimum everyone has Lead storage condition. Likely this field of heavy metals is a huge health care issue. What health issues do they represent, and how do they interact with eachother and with Gd. Empirically it is likely not good.
One small good news, at least for those undergoing chelation, DTPA is excellent at removing lead (vastly superior to DMSA or EDTA), and most other heavy- but I am not sure all of them. Perhaps in 1-2 years time I may have the time to look into this as well.
An important subject is transient versus persistent heavy metals. Transient heavy metals result from recent intake in some fashion, often orally (for example Bismuth in Pepto Bismol), and these may not have lasting health implications. Persistent heavy metals may exhibit significant health effects. Lead, mercury and chromium are among the best known, best studied and best recognized toxicities. Lead is deposited very similarly to Gd, in skin and bone, and also responds similarly and well to chelation with DTPA.
Distinction between transient and persistent presence of metals is probably best shown by comparing the 24 hr urine (we always use as a combination of pre- and post-Ca-DTPA) over time. As a cost-saving and convenience measure we only test every fifth chelation. This time interval between urine analysis also is important to distinguish transient vs persistent heavy metals. If the suspected source of a heavy metal is stopped (eg: stopping Pepto Bismol) should result in absence of Bismuth 2-3 months later. Persistent heavy metals will still be present in 3 months time, so are in a state of storage, at thee very least.
The source of many of these materials remains a mystery to the present time. Persistent platinum is one odd storage I have not been able to figure out (platinum is involved in catalytic converters, but the individuals are not in the auto industry). One individual I think of certainly has a heart of platinum ... but I doubt that is where it is stored.
Richard Semelka MD Consulting Stay tuned on the latest advancements: