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Celebrities with GadoliniumDepositionDisease.You Need Treatment. We Need You as Spokespeople.

In the money driven age of modern medicine, in order to advance knowledge for any particular disease, success is often driven by money. Money is greatly assisted by whether there are famous people speaking up and advocating for it. Most of the time it is the victims themselves, but not infrequently it is family members. Breast cancer may be the perfect success story for patient advocacy getting results: a number of the sufferers are well known personalities, because it is relatively common, it affects a number who are quite young, with the additional qualities of being attractive, well spoken, and wealthy. Breast cancer often does not cause any amount of noticeable disturbing physical or mental disability, and since a significant number stay relatively healthy they are excellent spokespeople for many years. Women like to hear from women, and men like to hear from pretty women, so all potential donors are covered.

The majority of sufferers of Gadolinium Deposition Disease, atleast 70%, are white females and onset between 20-50 years of age. More of less the sweet spot of patient advocates that breast cancer has benefitted from. Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD) sufferers can feel horrible inside, but still look quite good on the outside, and they don't really die from the disease so they are around for a long time looking fairly good, but feeling awful on the inside. Also unlike Obesity, which is another disease I am doing research in, the GDD type of immune disease is not one that is associated with being overweight. Most are normal weight.

Unlike breast cancer, when even before the days of high quality breast imaging, eventually you know you had breast cancer; with GDD, right at this very moment, still, and I find it incredulous, it is generally still unknown in the general Hollywood physician market, and the overall organized allopathic physician world. There are a number of reasons for this, that I don't need to repeat here. The great majority of GDD sufferers have made their own diagnosis, despite and not because of their physician.

A number of my patients (including physicians) do pay attention to celebrity news and let me know when there are celebrities who likely have the disease, but don't know it, but are managed as something else, such as Fibromyalgia or psychiatric disease.

There are a few critical things to check off to get a disease into the main stream big leagues: sufficient peer-reviewed literature written by different groups (we check that), acceptance by large university centers (a half check mark- some major centers are recognizing it), and effective patient advocates (unchecked).

We have already diagnosed and treated one one-time A-list celebrity, but unfortunately I think because of the ravages of the disease, she has dependency issues that would be great to have public funding for her, that she desperately needs to get all of her life back together (she has GDD, maybe also Arsenic poisoning) , and I have started the treatment path on her, but she needs to continue this in LA, but she needs help with dependency. She was locked up in a Psych Ward as having Conversion Disorder, a story similar to Shutter Island, I joked with her (she liked it). Before that they thought she had Guillaun Barre.

Based on the information I have from a physician and others with GDD who study the celebrity news, I have some names of celebrities who have been in the news as being sick, so none of what I am saying is protected information.

The critical elements to the diagnosis of GDD are straight-forward, and the story is remarkably and tragically consistent. A celebrity (actually any person, not just celebrities) has something wrong, they get checked out with MRI with Gadolinium contrast, they may or may not see anything on the MRI, but right after the MRI with gadolinium they get some combination of brain fog, physical instability, weakness, intense bone and skin pain, and muscle twitching. This is GDD. They have developed GDD, but their physicians don't know anything about GDD, but see their celebrity patient has some kind of neurological disease, so the knee jerk reaction is to get another MRI with GBCA... she gets still worse, then gets another MRI with GBCA, worse still. The cycle repeats till she has something like 10 GBCAs is on death's door, and no answers, just desperation. Each GBCA injection makes them worse.

The story is amazingly consistent. I have no idea why this is not figured out by their physicians.

So the short list of celebrities who have/ may have GDD, based on what they have posted in some news reporting venue:

Lady Gaga (maybe 90% positive she has GDD),

Celine Dion ( I don't know much about her story but she is sick and has muscle twitching and imbalance- so until I know more maybe 50/50).

Sharon Stone again maybe 50/50.

Danika Patrick. 50/50.

I am the world authority on the diagnosis and treatment of Gadolinium Deposition Disease.. Arguably because everyone took a step back, rather than I took a step forward. I have published atleast 15 peer-reviewed papers on the disease, which is the best recognition that you know what you are talking about. Unlike most weird diseases it is eminently treatable to near-cure, so you don't have to be on drugs like lyrica forever - which don't treat for cure, but just manage.

At the same time, if you have not had an Gadolinium enhanced MRI, but are for example a race car driver, pollution related to the automotive world , we can diagnosis together with Gadolinium toxicity: lead (which is best treated with the way we treat Gadolinium), Cadmium, Chromium, may be identical treatment, but we can also tweak it some.

As a busy physician I do not have the contacts to know how to access you, and I do not intend to be lost among the 1000s of character who reach out to your administrative teams weekly.

There seems to be a very good chance you may have GDD. The diagnosis is straightforward and essentially fast and painless (there will be a Flare of symptoms) If you do have GDD I can treat you in a relatively short time, relatively innocuous, to get you your life back. In return I ask you to speak up for all sufferers so the disease gets more recognition

Richard Semelka, MD


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