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Detoxing vs Chelation for GDD.

Detoxing and chelation for GDD.

Gd is different from most toxic medical drugs in that it stays imbedded in bones and skin.. and everywhere else, brain ,etc. Detoxing and chelation are two related methods of treatment, and probably are best used together.

Detoxing refers simply to someone being less sick, hopefully no longer sick, by calming down various components of the body systems. This can be achieved by a variety of dietary and activity actions. If a person has had just 1 GBCA, perhaps up to 3, one can detox and this may be sufficient- from the perspective of feeling a lot better maybe back to normal. What this means with GDD, is that your immune system has learned to calm itself down. Realistically, for the most part the full burden of Gd is still left in your body. So any insult, obviously another GBCA injection, but other things, such as a major bone injury, which releases Gd, or something as innocuous as eating too much cilantro, may set off GDD symptoms dramatically. Detox is important, also with chelation, but detox alone, long term is likely not sufficient. One always has the Sword of Damocles suspended over their head. Menopause for instance would be a major event to release a lot of Gd back into the body and potentially set off GDD. In many respects the individuals who are in the best circumstance to be chelated are those who are well detoxed, because their immune response to removal of Gd should be much reduced.

Chelation refers to the active removal of Gd from the body. Chelation also with no concurrent forms of detox (which is what immune dampening is) can be a disaster of Flare nightmare.

Detox for everyone is important. Chelation likely is important for everyone, perhaps even those who have detoxed well after just 1 GBCA injection. Although I have no data for this last group, but empirically it makes sense. These will also be the ones who respond with the least Flares with chelation. So detox alone after 1 GBCA injection may be sufficient to get a number of people back to normal in the short term. If they chose to stop there, I am fine with it. I am just not sure about the durability, as this would realistically take at least a 20 year follow up in individuals. At the same time, everyone needs some form, and probably multiple forms, of detox.

Richard Semelka, MD


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