Avoidance, Management, and Elimination. The 3 tines of the trident of combatting all diseases, maladies and misadventures.
Combatting diseases in the broadest sense boils down to three approaches, that can be thought of as a trident. A brief description of them follows. Certainly as with essentially everything else, there is overlap.
Avoidance is the basic primary strategy for everything bad. This may be in principle the most effective as it bypasses all the mores of treatment. This is termed preventative care, the chepaest and best form of treatment. Examples:
Principle strategy for all infectious epidemics of humans throughout the millennia. Avoid close contact with other people. This applies also to vectors for infection: rats, bats, ticks, etc.
In our present age this has been perhaps the most effective tool to deal with COVID: avoid close contact with other people in closed spaces. Essentially no one or very few people became ill from COVID in the large open biker rally in South Dakota. A number of people died from attending closed arena political rallies, and of course the closed spaces of office work.
Avoid foods, drugs that make you sick/ are allergic too. THis is the constant refrain on tv ads for all the expensive DMARD drugs, example Humira. 'if you are allergic to Humira (or any of its ingredients), don't take it'. How do people know they are allergic to a drug? They don't just wake up one morning and say to themselves ' I think I am going to be allergic to Humira, even though I have never taken it". The way they know they are allergic is they have taken it and have experienced a significant reaction to it. If you have shown an allergic reaction to an agent, even after just one exposure, don't take it again.
This ofcourse I have focused on in a number of blogs on Gadolinium. Deposition Disease as the principle treatment. If you received a GBCA and have shown the symptoms of GDD, that have persisted over a week, then don't ever receive another GBCA again. This simple strategy would avoid 70% of significant cases of GDD, and atleast 90% of the extremely problematic cases of GDD.
Start children on a program of eating healthy food and engaging in moderate activity from the age of 3, starting in nursery school. This would avoid obesity in the great majority of individuals. Right now obesity is the major cause of disease, also for all types of diseases, in the world. This may be the single most important health care activity that can be done. In the long run this simple strategy would save trillions of dollars annually.
The 3 principle forms of management are detoxification, toxification, and surgical partial resection.
Detoxification. Detoxification is the strategy that focuses on the host and host defences. This approach has been the mainstay of natural approaches, such as supplements, in which improving the functioning of various systems is the focus: liver health, kidney health, immune system health, etc. The major obstacle of detoxification has been the general lack of scientific evaluation of approaches, that is lack of randomized controlled studies, to show the level of effectiveness for them. The principle reasons are the expenses of doing these studies both in general and in the effort to get FDA approval. So much of their benefit focuses on faith and anecdotal experience, Not that there is a problem with this approach, but it does though lack broad recognition in formal medical circles.
Toxification. I am using this word in a fairly novel but correct way. This refers to our dealing with the harmful entity, whether endogenous (ge: cancer) or exogenous (infection). Toxification is the basis of chemotherapy for cancer, and antibiotics for infections. Toxification serves as the basis for the great majority of modern medicine.
Surgical partial resection. I have also include partial resection of processes such as cancer, because the intent of these resections is not curative, but in some fashion palliative, or in use with other approaches such as chemotherapy that may possess curative effect.
Removal refers to taking out of the body the harmful entity that is making you sick So not focused on killing or slowing it down in vivo, but removing the entity dead or alive.
I have separated surgery into partial removal, which I have considered in Management above, from attempted complete surgical removal in this section. Complete surgical resection is a mechanical process and has a curative intent. . Complete resection, if it is resection in one location of the presence of tumor is often termed en bloc resection referring to the effort to remove enough margin around the tumor that all of it has been removed. This is generally the classic endeavor/ hope of surgery, to remove the entirety of the tumor. THis is best achieved with tumors that are well differentiated and small in size, such as small renal cell cancers and small;iver cell cancers.
Removal processes that focus on capturing and removing active, dead or alive, the afflicting entities. As a category I term this raptorization (after Raptor the order of birds of prey that pick up critters with their claws. It is a good read to look up the order Falconiformes). Raptorization could be considered the larger umbrella for all drugs/ entities which serve to pick up molecules/ organisms in their entirety for body removal. Chelation, the word in common usage, also is based on the Greek for claw, has generally been used for/ focused on the removal of heavy metals.
Chelation is the (only) treatment method that has the ability to achieve at least near cure for heavy metal toxicities. In many respects the concept of chelation makes the most sense for all entities that the host defences are not equipped to efficiently neutralize.
It is an intriguing concept whether raptorization could also be developed for other foreign particles/ toxins in our bodies such as plastic microparticles, PFAs and glyphosates, that are otherwise largely kept in our bodies forever.
It remains unclear to me why chelation conjures up a mystical (hence non-scientific) image in the minds of most conventional allopathic physicians, something to be lumped together with homeopathic, naturopathic, holistic, acupuncture, hypnosis, eastern medicine, which a number of formal physicians consider as quackery as the all-encompassing categorization. I do understand where this comes from, in that clearly defined principles and indications, and results of therapy have not been fully or repetitively subjected to scientific investigation. I will address in a future blog, scientific methodology for chelation. I will admit this has been largely missing... until I became involved.
Richard Semelka, MD