- Apr 24
Zeolite for GDD sufferers. May not effective for Gd, but its role for other heavy metals in a matrix of Multi-Metal Toxicity may make taking it worthwhile.
- Apr 20
Ferulic Acid: Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Another addition to the ideal diet for GDD and everything else.
- Apr 19
Gadolinium Deposition Disease: Oral Presentation on Diagnosis; Who gets it;Treatment; Prognosis.
- Apr 17
The Wholesome Diet. Fresh, wholesome ingredients prepared simply With minimizing stress and moderate exercise: form the Wholesome Lifestyle.
- Apr 14
It started out with GDD, and it ended up like this: Mixed Metal Deposition Disease. Chelation and Diet.
- Apr 12
Lead Toxicity is Lead Deposition Disease. Optimal treatment is identical to GDD: iv DTPA with steroids/AH. Effective oral chelator (?HOPO) would be the most ideal, based on how lead entered the body.
- Apr 8
GBCA types: linear and macrocyclic. How much of these does DTPA chelation remove?
- Apr 7
What do 24 hr urine pre-chelation (native elimination) and 24 hr urine post-chelation really mean?
- Apr 5
Bone pain dominant- GDD and DTPA chelation. The greatest number of battles to win the war.
- Apr 2
Total body heavy metal burden. A concept that many practitioners of heavy metal treatment do not understand, but this is crucial